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So here’s my new voice: “You’ve lost it.” That’s the voice you have to look forward to, if you’re a beginner. The voice changes, it doesn’t go away. Sometimes that voice moves me to action, sometimes it paralyzes me. So I try to rely on other methods to motivate myself (including the To-Do List hubby has been pushing for years). If you use Google Chrome, check out the Momentum app. It appears with a soothing photo, an uplifting quote and a greeting. It soothes me rather than stressing me out. Makes me feel proud of myself.

Here’s the website: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/momentum/laookkfknpbbblfpciffpaejjkokdgca?hl=en

Check it out. The reason this matters, for me, is that our inner voices have the most control over us when they can dictate our actions (or inactions). My likelihood of completing the Momentum MAIN task for that day is always high. And the others are staring at me in a friendly way. I LOVE checking off lists.

I’m behind on several projects (by my self-imposed deadlines), so posting that project on the list makes it real. I’ll work on it no matter how I’m feeling, or no matter what my voices say.

OK, usually.

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